As the heating core, mesh plays an important role. Each tiny structure change matters.
Just like a tailor-made suit that should fit perfectly on you, the mesh for the Profile 1.5 was tried and tested again and again to get the best result.
All changes were aiming at the same target, flavour production.
nexMesh Extreme x10 pcs
Kanthal A1
0.16 ohm
17mm by 8.5mm
60 to 80W Recommended Wattage
nexMesh Chill x10 pcs
Kanthal A1
0.15 ohm
17mm by 8.5mm
60 to 80W Recommended Wattage
nexMesh Turbo
Just like a tailor-made suit that should fit perfectly on you, the mesh for the Profile 1.5 was tried and tested again and again to get the best result.
All changes were aiming at the same target, flavour production.
nexMesh Extreme x10 pcs
Kanthal A1
0.16 ohm
17mm by 8.5mm
60 to 80W Recommended Wattage
nexMesh Chill x10 pcs
Kanthal A1
0.15 ohm
17mm by 8.5mm
60 to 80W Recommended Wattage
nexMesh Turbo